Below are the details regarding transport pick-up times for Sunday, 1/7/12 for those wishing to accompany us to Road House, Birmingham, for the Metal 2 the Masses finals!
Blyth village – Red Hart pub – 12:15pm
Retford – Newcastle Arms pub – 12:30pm
Worksop – Frog & Nightgown pub – 1:00pm
Nottingham – tbc – 2:00pm
Therefore we will arrive at RoadHouse, Birmingham for 3:00-3:30pm. Drop-offs will be at the same places in reverse order. Estimated times are –
Nottingham – 12:30am
Worksop – 1:30am
Retford – 2:00am
Blyth – 2:15am
We know this is an early set-off but we have to arrive between 3 and 4 – and the Olympic torch relay is in Birmingham that day so we don’t want to get stuck!
There is good beer, a biker bar around the corner, a few chippies nearby and the venue does sandwiches. It also has a pool table and darts board.
For people meeting us at the venue, doors are 6:45pm with the first band on at 7:15. Bands draw for an order when they arrive so we do not yet know our set time.
The bus is free and entry is £5 – we did mis-advertise at £3 so if anyone is put off by this or has an incorrect flyer, simply see one of the band for a £2 refund.
See you there!